Latest update from our partner Murata

We are happy to report more on one of our project results.

After the first 18 months, EuroPAT-MASIP project has the first outcomes of the development work of our six application pilots, available and ready to be presented in conferences. The most advanced of our six pilots, the combined inertial sensor for automotive applications by Murata, has already raised interest in ESTC 2018 and more results are expected to come later this year. Combined multi DOF inertial sensors are used in Electronic Stability Control (ESC) and Advanced Driver Assistance (ADAS) systems, featuring e.g. adaptive cruise control and collision avoidance or automatic lane centering.

Today the ESC controller with sensors is integrated in the air bag unit or in the brake actuator unit, which may cause a lot of mechanic noise in the 1Hz-100kHz frequency range and therefore interfere the sensor’s readings. At the same time the board space is getting scarce with more and more complex component set-ups. In EuroPAT-MASIP our idea was to tackle these problems by using leadless Fan-out wafer level packaging (FO-WLP) technology that will offer significant size reduction and freedom from mechanical resonances in this challenging frequency range. At this point we are excited to tell that both the targeted size reduction and targeted vibration robustness were achieved: The project results confirm that FO-WLP is indeed a viable technology for automotive MEMS packaging.

In the picture here under, an automotive inertial sensor in conventional package and in FOWLP technology.

Many of the results are well beyond the capabilities of the currently used technologies and thus we are confident this new solution will smoothly pass full automotive validation tests], says Murata’s program manager in new technology development Heikki Kuisma. The work continues now with a new lay-out where corrections for the humidity dependence and testability have been implemented and vibration robustness have been further improved, and calibration before assembly in a new tester. A thermo-mechanical model has already been created and it will be verified with experimental results.

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