The EuroPAT-MASIP consortium had a workshop 12.7.2017 in Frankfurt, Germany for work package tasks regarding the project’s key functional and performance requirements as well as the test strategy for the application pilots.
Birgit Brämer, work package leader from Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft ENAS, presented the status of the task “Key functional and performance requirements”. The task is included in the work package that focuses on integration concepts, design, modelling and simulation. The objective of the task is specify what technology and manufacturing requirements are needed for the application pilots. These requirements and guidelines will provide input for the following work packages to come.
Reinhard Pusch, COO from RoodMicrotec, presented the status of the task “Test strategy for the application pilots”. RoodMicrotec is in charge of this task and it will develop test strategies for the application pilots in collaboration with the application pilot partners. The task is included in the work package “Metrology, Characterization, Test Strategy, Reliability and Failure Analysis”, which Pusch presented as well.
The workshop also discussed the coordination of the project work as well as the partner contributions. André Cardoso, Nanium’s R&D Integrator, held discussions on the collaborations between work packages and application pilot timings.